
Showing posts from October, 2023

i missed my practicals pt.1

Works on pygame. Simply install pygame using cmd:      pip install pygame And run the code . Works on simple principle of drawing ray diagrams. First ray passes from optical center and the second ray passes from the focus. Image is drawn by drawing perpendicular to the x axis from the point of intersection. Dotted ray or image shows its virtual nature. Intersection points are found using basics mathematics and concepts from straight lines. Initial the code run and draws the graph of U vs V and then it is available for simulation. The rectangular hyperbola is the graph of U vs V.  A line drawn at 45 degrees from origin in the 2nd quadrant cuts the graph at 2f, 2f. This is used to determine the focal length of the given lens. Thanks to - My physics teacher, lab assistant, friends (Ayush, Ashwini) who helped in the experiment. (And yes, i didn't miss my practicals) dm


STEP 1: open cmd and type pip install selenium after installation of selenium pip install spotipy (make sure set PATH was checked while installing python, else pip won't work)   STEP 2: download geckodriver. extract it   STEP 3: open cmd and type setx path "%path%;<GeckoDriver Path>" example: setx path "%path%;C:\Users\hp\Desktop\DownloadSpreeDec2022\i created balls\geckodriver.exe>" (you can find path by righting clicking on 'geckodriver.exe' then choosing copy as path)   STEP 4: Download this code and run it- file   STEP 5: Copy spotify playlist which you want to download and paste it. Press enter and wait. Songs will be downloaded in a moment. If you face any problems, mail me at-   This is pirating songs from piracy websites. Its illegal to do so. Don't do it- just buy Spotify premium. I created this because I wan...