How play Sounds of .MP3 and .wav in Python
Using playsound
- Installing Playsound module :
1) Open Command Prompt
- Go to Start and search for cmd.
- OR press Windows + R and in the dialogue box type 'cmd' and then OK.
2) In the Command Prompt type py -m pip install -U playsound --user
3) After few seconds it will start downloading.
- How to use playsound?
import playsound
playsound.playsound('<location of audio file>',True)
If location of file is inside Local Disk E and inside Minim TOTALCOOLSTUFFS and then inside MP3 and name of file is hello .mp3. Then the location of file will be :
E:\Minim TOTALCOOLSTUFFS\MP3\hello.mp3
The location is case as well as space sensitive.
Run the program and the sound will start playing after few seconds.